Phillip Garrido Asks for Help for Jaycee Dugard in Jailhouse Letter

In short letter, Garrido claims Jaycee Dugard's rights have been violated.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 30, 2009, 10:08 PM

Oct. 1, 2009 — -- In a handwritten jailhouse letter full of misspellings, accused rapist and kidnapper Phillip Garrido expressed concern for his alleged victim, Jaycee Dugard, saying he believes her "civil rights have been clearly violated."

The four-paragraph letter is addressed to Walt Gray, news anchor for NBC California affiliate KCRA and was written in pencil.

In it, Garrido wrote that Dugard's "free speach [sic] rights are being violated, also she has been repeatedly denied access to have an attorney present during questioning."

Garrido urged Gray to "take this to a privet [sic] attorney who will look this matter over for her best interest."

Phillip Garrido, 58, and wife Nancy Garrido are accused of kidnapping Dugard, then 11 years old, in 1991 near her school bus stop. She was rescued in August after being held for more than 18 years in a compound of sheds and tents on the Garrido's Antioch, Calif., property with her two daughters that believe were fathered by Phillip Garrido.

In the letter, Garrido referred to Dugard as "J.C." and said her two daughters were "getting the same treatment."

The letter ends, saying, "Contact J.C. by attorney mail only. Protect her and the children's rights, use wise judgment in this matter please!"

A spokeswoman for Dugard and her family could not immediately be reached for comment.