Daredevil to Jump Off Mt. Everest Summit in Wingsuit

Discovery Channel to broadcast live stunt from world's tallest peak.

ByABC News
February 6, 2014, 2:10 PM

Feb. 6 2014 — -- The youngest American to ever summit Mt. Everest is now planning to attempt a feat never tried before.

In May, Joby Ogwyn is set to take a heart-stopping leap off the world's tallest peak in a custom-made wingsuit, outfitted with cameras so that viewers can watch the 10,000-vertical-foot jump live on the Discovery Channel.

"Everest Jump Live," the Discovery Channel's latest daredevil feat to be broadcast, was announced this week.

Featuring daredevils is nothing new to the channel, which has previously broadcast live events such as Felix Baumgartner's world record for the highest freefall jump, from the edge of space, and Nik Wallenda's tightrope walk across the Grand Canyon.

Ogwyn's climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro when he was 18 years old, according to his website, and at 24 he was the youngest person in the world to climb the "Seven Summits," the tallest peaks on the world's seven continents. In 2008, Ogwyn set the world record for the fastest ascent of Mt. Everest, climbing from the base of the south side route to the summit in just nine and a half hours.

"This will be the final piece of my dream," Ogwyn said to the Discovery Channel. "Ever since I was a kid, I've imagined what it would be like to fly. Everything that I've ever accomplished in my life has just been practice for what I'm about to do."

Discovery Channel will broadcast two, one-hour pre-shows, featuring Ogwyn's intense training and preparations for Everest. The special will be a two-hour broadcast showing Ogwyn's training and his journey to Everest's summit before the dive.

Ogwyn will perform test jumps in California, Florida, Utah and the Swiss Alps before traveling to the Himalayas for final training, the channel said.

Here are some other Mt. Everest daredevils who have achieved spectacular feats.

PHOTO: Davorin "Davo" Karnicar poses with his skis.  Karnicar was the first man to ski down from the summit of Mount Everest, Oct. 7, 2000.
Davorin "Davo" Karnicar poses with his skis. Karnicar was the first man to ski down from the summit of Mount Everest, Oct. 7, 2000.

Davorin "Davo" Karnicar poses with his skis. Karnicar was the first man to ski down from the summit of Mt. Everest, Oct. 7, 2000.

Valery Rozov jumps off the north face of Mount Everest, China on May 5th, 2013.

Valery Rozov jumps off the north face of Mt. Everest in Tibet on May 5, 2013.

In this photo distributed by MIURA Dolphins Co., Ltd, 80-year-old Japanese extreme skier Yuichiro Miura stands atop the summit of Mount Everest as he becomes the oldest person to climb the world's tallest mountain Thursday, May 23, 2013.

In this photo distributed by MIURA Dolphins Co., 80-year-old Japanese extreme skier Yuichiro Miura stands atop the summit of Mt. Everest as he becomes the oldest person to climb the world's tallest mountain on May 23, 2013.