Why This Woman Is Going on 100 Dates This Summer

Woman’s quest to shake coupledom results in viral blog.

ByABC News
June 30, 2014, 1:08 PM
Elise Moreno goes for a bike ride on date no. 23.
Elise Moreno goes for a bike ride on date no. 23.
Courtesy of Elise Moreno

— -- Getting a date can be tough. Getting 100 can be tougher -- but Elise Moreno is committed.

The 25-year-old from San Francisco is determined to go on that many dates in the next couple of months, part of a project called “100 Dates of Summer” that she is documenting online.

“I haven’t been single for five or six years -- I’m always in relationships, I have this pattern,” Moreno told ABC News. “So I thought it would be fun to date around.”

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Potential paramours, be warned: The dirty details of every date are documented on Moreno’s blog, from the man who took her to McDonald’s for dinner to the guy who showed up drunk to a date.

But the dates aren’t all bad, said Moreno, who recalled the rocket scientist who took her to a Pink Floyd laser light show as her favorite memory so far. Moreno, who recently graduated from Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, will go on date No. 32 today, a hike and a picnic in San Francisco.

This date was referred to as "Pants" in Elise Moreno's blog, 100 Dates of Summer.

The men aren’t identified by their names -- only nicknames like "Design Dude" and "The Irish Boy" -- and they approve every photo she publishes on the blog. For the most part, they're happy to be involved, Moreno said.

"Some of them say, 'You really inspired me to go and start dating more,'" she said. "And that's really all you can ask for -- like, 'Yes, you get it!' And it's a fun thing to talk about, at least for a little while. We talk about it and then say, 'OK, we got that out of the way. Now tell me about you.'"

She meets her dates through OkCupid and makes sure they all know about her project beforehand. It’s even described in her profile on the dating site.

“I’m not trying to trick anybody. I’m not trying to use anybody,” Moreno said. “If they don’t want to be a part of it, they don’t have to.”

One of Elise Moreno's dates happened at a Yoga to the People class in San Francisco.

She’s also not in it for freebies.

“I’m not trying to get 100 free meals out of this,” Moreno said. “A lot of times, we’re going Dutch or I’m packing a lunch.”

So what’s the point? Just to meet people, Moreno said. The goal is definitely not to get another boyfriend.

“Wouldn’t it be silly to say I dated for three months and now I’m going to be in a relationship forever?” she said. “I’m just learning about myself, making these new connections with people, and a lot of it is just exploring the city.”