Most Americans Think Presidential Candidates Should Release Detailed Health Records

Most also said candidates should have mandatory, independent health assessment.

ByABC News
September 18, 2016, 10:49 AM

— -- At the end of a week when the health of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump became a focal point in the race, over two-thirds of Americans said it is important for presidential candidates to release detailed personal health records.

ABC News, together with our partners at SSRS survey research firm, asked Americans how important it is for candidates to release their health records and about the impact of candidates' overall health and fitness on their vote.

Sixty-nine percent said it was very or somewhat important for presidential candidates to release detailed personal health records.

ABC News SSRS Opinion Poll

Thirty-six percent said a presidential candidate's general level of health and fitness will have a major impact on their vote; 51 percent said it will have a minor impact; and 13 percent said a candidate's general health and fitness will have no impact on their vote.

Trump and Clinton are two of the oldest candidates ever to run for the White House, and the issue of their health and fitness drew attention this past week after Clinton had to leave a 9/11 memorial ceremony early and later revealed she had been diagnosed with pneumonia.

Her campaign days later released further medical information on her health, while Trump appeared on “The Dr. Oz Show” to discuss a summary of his most recent physical exam.

Neither candidate, however, has released full medical records.

Asked if there should be a mandatory independent health assessment for all candidates running for president, 61 percent of respondents said yes.

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