Foodini Machine Promises to 3-D Print Dinner

The Foodini will print pizza dough, burgers, makers say.

ByABC News
April 1, 2014, 11:56 AM

April 1, 2014— -- Spending hours in the kitchen may be a thing of the past once the fabulous Foodini goes on sale.

The sleek silver machine uses 3-D printing technology to turn fresh ingredients into decadent meals in a way that almost seems like magic.

A prototype of the Foodini was made by Barcelona-based Natural Foods. The company is now trying to raise money on Kickstarter to manufacture its first run of the printers.

Raviolis, pizza, burgers and shaped crackers are among the culinary possibilities that the makers of the Foodini say the machine can make.

The Foodini works by having owners fill up food capsules with real ingredients that are then inserted into the printer.

The foods can be whipped up in a matter of minutes and are ready to eat if they're made from pre-cooked ingredients.

The company has so far raised almost half of its $100,000 goal on Kickstarter.

Kitchen connoisseurs who donate $2,000 go to the front of the line to get a Foodini, which could be in their homes as early as October, according to the company's Kickstarter.

Pizza made by Foodini is seen in this undated product shot, posted by Natural Machines.
Sweet potato apple hash browns made by Foodini are seen in this undated product shot, posted by Natural Machines.
Burgers made by Foodini are seen in this undated product shot, posted by Natural Machines.