Video shows residents jumping from window onto mattresses to escape apartment fire in Dallas

Police officers and residents put mattresses on the ground before they jumped.

November 21, 2018, 6:19 PM

Several residents and police officers in Dallas are being lauded for working together to help to save six people, including a baby, from an apartment building blaze.

Officers were on another call when they noticed smoke coming from a nearby apartment building Wednesday, Dallas police said. They immediately began knocking on doors to evacuate the building as it went up in flames.

Video shows people jumping from window in Dallas apartment complex fire, Nov. 21, 2018.
Curtis Cooper/Facebook

As they rushed to clear the building, they learned that there were six people, including a baby, in two different apartments trapped on the third floor.

They dropped a little child out the window. ... Then some adults dropped down onto a queen-size bed. I thought they might bounce, but luckily they were all OK.

"The breezeway where you enter their apartments had become completely engulfed in flames," Dallas police officials said in a statement.

Kachayla Payne, who was leaving for work around 7 a.m. Wednesday, said she noticed the fire at an adjacent building to her. She and her boyfriend Curtis Cooper both captured the terrifying scene on video.

"When I left my apartment, I saw a woman just pointing at the building," she told ABC News. "We just ran over and helped however we could."

Video shows people jumping from window in Dallas apartment complex fire, Nov. 21, 2018.
Curtis Cooper/Facebook

The officers and residents grabbed mattresses from some of the apartments and put them on the ground so that the trapped residents could jump out of the windows and onto them.

Dallas Fire Rescue officials said that six residents jumped to safety from the third floor, but the baby had to be caught.

"They dropped a little child out the window. ... Then some adults dropped down onto a queen-size bed. I thought they might bounce, but luckily they were all OK," Cooper said.

Dallas police said that ultimately, everyone was evacuated from the building safely.

ABC News' Fergal Gallagher contributed to the reporting in this story.