'Common Sense With Matt Dowd', Thursday

What you need to know.

ByABC News
May 24, 2017, 8:12 PM
"Common Sense with Matt Dowd" premieres Thursday, May 25th on ABCNews.com.
"Common Sense with Matt Dowd" premieres Thursday, May 25th on ABCNews.com.
Craig Crutchfield

— -- ABC News special contributor and chief political analyst Matt Dowd is launching an original livestream series "Common Sense With Matt Dowd" on Thursday, May 25, at 12:00 p.m. ET on ABCNews.com and Facebook Live.

America is in desperate need to come together for the common good and to put country over party, and to do that we need more common sense in our conversations,” Dowd said. “We need to agree to a common set of facts, and we need to have a common perspective to put in context all the events occurring in the United States and the world.”

Get ready for Dowd to take on the tough questions about politics and life in America and to clear up the chaos in the nation’s current political climate.

“A big part of the difficulty in getting to a common sense perspective is the constant stream of noise that distracts us all from what matters and what is truth,” Dowd said. “We need to get through the noise and get to the signals of importance. We are drowning in data, and we’re thirsty for common sense.”

Every Thursday, Americans will get the chance to ask Dowd their questions through social media using the hashtag, “#AskMattDowd”.

“Americans can't make informed decisions if all they get is distracted by partisan bickering and partisan information,” Dowd said. “Our democracy depends on the ability to wade through all the back and forth and get to a common understanding of what it all means and figure out what we need to do.”

Dowd, an independent, has served in political roles including overseeing successful election campaigns for President George W. Bush and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. His innovative approach on President Bush’s 2000 and 2004 campaigns led him to a strategist of the year honor from the bipartisan American Association of Political Consultants.

“I’ve worked on both sides of the aisle and understand the vast majority of people have good intentions. By having a perspective outside Washington and New York, and having grown up in Detroit and living in Central Texas, I believe I have a good handle on what’s going on around this country,” Dowd said.

He’s also a New York Times-best-selling author and in his newest release, "A New Way," Dowd offers a vision for what it takes to be a successful leader in these turbulent political times.

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