'Glow' star Alison Brie on how wrestling 'empowers' her and the embarrassing moment she had at Donald Glover's party

Brie discusses how learning to wrestle on the set of "Glow" is "empowering."

June 20, 2018, 3:21 PM

Alison Brie spilled on “The View” one humiliating story about a dance move gone wrong and also discussed how her hit show “Glow” serves today’s women’s movement.

“It has been really wonderful to feel like this show is part of that movement in a really positive way,” Brie said of how her hit Netflix series “Glow” fits into the age of #MeToo.

Brie explains “the heart of this show has always been the feminist concept” of women who struggle to fit in and find their way to success — yet find a way to empower themselves “through this strange vehicle of wrestling.”

“They’re making themselves the star of their own story and they’re working together with other women to rise as a group!” Brie said.

Brie herself has changed through this role by learning do her own stunts — and says learning to wrestle “has been the most empowering thing!”

Alison Brie joined "The View" today and discusses her role in the hit Netflix show "GLOW."
Candice Elle Frank/ABC

She says while “none of us were asked to change our bodies in any way,” she “wanted to get really strong” to do stunts on her own. “We’ve very proud we can do it by ourselves!”

Brie says it was a nice change of pace for the 15 women in the cast of the show.

“A lot of our careers have been spent trying to be as slim as possible,” Brie said. “[We’re] now learning how to use our bodies in a different way, where the focus is on strength and power!”

Brie also recited a few funny lines in the exaggerated Russian accent used by her “Glow” wrestling persona "Zoya the Destroya."

Brie also weighed in on the trending Twitter topic #ThatWasWhenILostMyDignity and shared her horrifyingly embarrassing experience at a party thrown by none other than her “Community” co-star Donald Glover.

“I may have been drinking…” Brie admitted. “I just … will never forget calling attention from the whole room and being like ‘Hey everybody! Watch this!’”

She proceeded to “just fling” her body backwards and “break a lamp.” Oops!

“I think in my mind I was gonna do a cool dance move-type thing,” Brie said. “I think that I was gonna like go back and land on my hands and spring back onto my feet.”

“I had sort of drunk brain happening,” Brie added. “My friend was like, what did you think was gonna happen!?”