Larry David criticized for concentration camp joke on 'Saturday Night Live'

The comedian also joked about flirting in concentration camps.

ByABC News
November 5, 2017, 12:49 PM
Host Larry David explains what he has in common with Quasimodo and shares a disturbing trend he's noticed about the men being accused of sexual harassment on 'Saturday Night Live,' Nov. 4, 2017.
Host Larry David explains what he has in common with Quasimodo and shares a disturbing trend he's noticed about the men being accused of sexual harassment on 'Saturday Night Live,' Nov. 4, 2017.

— -- Larry David is no stranger to being controversial with his comedy, but some people on social media are saying his jokes this weekend about Hitler and concentration camps went too far.

The "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star and co-creator of "Seinfeld" used his opening monologue as host of "Saturday Night Live" to imagine what it would be like to try and flirt with women in concentration camps.

"I’ve always been obsessed with women, and I’ve often wondered: If I’d grown up in Poland when Hitler came to power and was sent to a concentration camp, would I still be checking out women in the camp?" he began. "The problem is, there are no good opening lines in a concentration camp."

David, 70, then offered the audience some suggestions:

"'How’s it going? They treating you okay? You know, if we ever get out of here, I’d love to take you out for some latkes. You like latkes?'" he quipped.

David is known for making jokes about Jewish people and culture on his hit TV series. And in fact, on Saturday night, he said during his monologue, "I consistently strive to be a good Jewish representative."

PHOTO: Larry David performs stand-up monologue on 'Saturday Night Live.'
Host Larry David explains what he has in common with Quasimodo and shares a disturbing trend he's noticed about the men being accused of sexual harassment on 'Saturday Night Live,' Nov. 4, 2017.

Still, many fans on social media said they felt uncomfortable watching the comedian joke about the Holocaust and concentration camps.

"Just when you thought Larry David's #SNL monologue couldn't get worse, he joked about seducing women in concentration camps. Wow. #HeBombed," one person wrote.

ABC News reached out to reps for David, but didn't immediately hear back.