Former President George W. Bush's twin daughters talk his 'sweetest' moments

Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara Pierce Bush appeared on "The View" today.

ByABC News
October 27, 2017, 2:35 PM

— -- Former President George W. Bush's daughter said she wakes up to a text from her father "every single morning at the same time."

"He's steady as can be even though he's spunky," said Barbara Pierce Bush, appearing today on ABC's "The View" with her twin sister, Jenna Bush Hager.

The Bush daughters, who talked about their new book, "Sisters First: Stories From Our Wild and Wonderful Life," revealed recently that as 18-year-olds they "tried to veto" their father's running for president in 2000.

Pierce Bush said on "The View" today that her father started calling her every day a while back during a difficult time in her life, just to check up on her.

"He just never stopped reaching out every day, so that's the sweetest," she said.

Jenna and Barbara Bush appear on "The View."

The two sisters also talked about their family and growing up in a political dynasty.

Pierce Bush and Hager demurred, however, from telling just what their father said to former President Obama during a hurricane relief concert on Oct. 21.

An image from the concert shows George W. Bush whispering to Obama, who then chuckled.

The twin sisters would reveal only that the comment was funny and "not racy."

"The thing is, with my Dad, I'm always like, 'Dad, do not go viral!' You know? And he's like, 'What does viral mean?' ... He just can't help himself," Hager said.

The two also commented on their father's much-praised speech last week in which he blasted the current divisiveness of U.S. politics.

"Bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication," the former president said at an Oct. 19 event hosted by the George W. Bush Institute in New York City. "We've seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty. At times, it can seem like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together."

It was a rare, public speech for the former president, who has largely refrained from weighing in on political matters since he left office in January 2009.

On "The View" today, the sisters said that while they were very proud of his speech, they weren't surprised by it.

"Everything he said is not anything he didn't say when he was president, which is pretty interesting," Pierce Bush said. "He's very values-driven. He very much knows who he is. ... What's interesting is everything he said now seemed different because it's such a different time and a different context in which he said it."

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