Diesel Revs Up for XXX, Pitch Black Sequel

ByABC News
October 1, 2001, 2:08 PM

September 26 -- Meet Vin Diesel, bona fide action star. After the success of The Fast and the Furious, the imposing, deep-voiced actor is revving into two action dramas XXX and the sequel to Pitch Black and he's getting paid a lot more for his services

First up is the already announced XXX, for which Diesel is pulling down $10 million to play an "extreme James Bond" type who's hell on wheels (think: motorcycle stunts).

Joining the film is our favorite cinematic badass, Samuel L. Jackson, who'll play a government agent who recruits and trains Diesel's character for an undercover operation to infiltrate a Russian crime ring. The Shaft star was set to film the thriller Tick Tock with Jennifer Lopez next, but Columbia Pictures has shelved the film in light of the real-life terrorist attacks of Sept. 11.

XXX begins shooting in late November for a July 2002 release. The Fast and The Furious' Rob Cohen will direct for Revolution Studios.Diesel will be paid more than $11 million to star as the title character in The Chronicles of Riddick, the sequel to the breakout 2000 sci-fi sleeper Pitch Black. Even though the sequel still needs a director, it's scheduled for Universal's summer 2003 schedule.

Diesel chose Chronicles over the title role in Daredevil, a Fox adaptation of the Marvel Comics serial about a blind lawyer who becomes a superhero, according to Variety.

Which leads us to ask, has Nicolas Cage who's been attached to nearly every comic book project these days from Hard Boiled to Ghost Rider to Superman heard about this one?

Diesel has been rumored (along with such unlikely competition as Seth Green and Jude Law) to be cast as the new villain in the Terminator 3 film. Looks like he'll be far too busy now to play with Arnold.

Reuters/Variety contributed to this story.

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