Tip of the Day: Household Uses for Baking Powder

Use a common product in your pantry for cleaning and air freshening.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 16, 2010, 1:35 PM

April 22, 2010— -- Did you know that there's a product in your pantry that's also a great household cleaner for counter tops and even freshens the air?

Baking soda isn't just an ingredient for cooking, it's truly a jack-of-all-trades around the house.

Household Uses for Baking Powder:

• A gentle scouring powder for kitchen countertops.

• A paste (mixed with a little water) to shine stainless steel.

• A vinyl floor cleaner (1/2 cup mixed with a quart of water).

• A way to soften water so you can use less soap. You can add in a half cup to your laundry, for example.

• An air freshener: Set some out in a bowl, place some in your cat's litter box, or leave an open box in your refrigerator.

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