'Baby Whisperer' police officer helps deliver 5th baby in five years

Sgt. Jon-Erik Negron delivered his 5th baby on Saturday.

'Baby Whisperer' police officer helps deliver 5th baby in five years
Suffolk County Police Department
November 29, 2022, 5:43 PM

A New York police officer is officially being hailed a "Baby Whisperer" after he helped deliver a baby on Saturday -- the fifth baby he's helped deliver in five years while on the job.

New York's Suffolk County Police Department received a call to the home of Rebecca Reyes on Saturday. She was in labor and unable to make it to the hospital, the department said in a Facebook post.

Officers Conor Diemer, Jadin Rodriguez, Zachary Vormittag and Jon-Erik Negron rushed to the scene to help Reyes deliver her third child in her living room.

Baby Owen was safely delivered that morning before an ambulance arrived and transported the healthy mother and baby to a nearby hospital.

"While this is the third time Rebecca has been part of a baby delivery, one person in the room has her beat," the department wrote. "This is the fifth baby delivery Sgt. Negron has been involved in as a member of the SCPD, earning him the nickname the 'Baby Whisperer.' "

According to New York City ABC affiliate WABC, Negron previously became the godfather of a child he helped deliver in 2017, who was born with their umbilical cord wrapped around their neck. He also helped deliver another baby on the side of a road that same year.

"I thought that my childbirth days were over when I became a sergeant this year and I guess the record lives on so we'll see how many we can take it to," he told WABC on Monday.