How to make your online dating profile stand out this summer

Dating expert Bela Gandhi breaks down what to know in order to find love online.

July 5, 2018, 8:26 AM

If you're hoping to find love this summer, we've got your back.

This Sunday, July 8, is the most popular dating day of the entire year, according to the online dating site Match.

"We're predicting this Sunday to be bigger and busier than even Valentine's Day this year," Hasem Hosseini, CEO of Match, told "Good Morning America."

More than half of Americans have tried online dating at some point, love guru Bela Gandhi explained to "GMA."

Gandhi, who founded "Smart Dating Academy" which trains clients to be better daters, said approximately 4 out of 5 of her clients get married to partners they meet using online dating.

You can be successful playing the online dating game if you've got patience, positivity and perseverance, she added.

Summer Love Hero
ABC News

Gandhi shared her best tips on how to make your online dating profile stand out online.

Gandhi's tips to the perfect online dating profile

1. Use 5 to 6 photos
According to our survey of 1,500 singles conducted with, 5 to 6 photos are the idea number to have. If you're just starting out online, and don't have that many photos, start with a few and build up to 5 or 6. And your photos don't have to tell the story of your life -- they should just look great. People stress themselves out looking for photos that show them in their element/doing hobbies but if you don't have these, don't worry. You'll have plenty of time to share your life story with your date later.

2. Pick your perfect headshot
This is the most important photo you have. It's the one that will make that special someone stop and hopefully discover that they want to connect with you. It should be a high-quality, high-resolution photo -- and a close-up of your head -- where you're looking right at the camera and smiling. You should look your best, like you would if you were going to a nice event, and the lighting should be excellent.

3. Include a full body shot
It is essential to have a few body shots, photos that show you from head to toe. Make sure that you're dressed up looking good. If you're hesitant to post a body shot because you don't feel like you'll attract people, rest assured that there are many, many people online that would want to date you. If you're a guy, photos where you're wearing a great sport coat, crisp shirt and jeans work great with women. And ladies, wearing a pretty dress in a great color that fits you well will pay great dividends.

In this undated stock photo, a young woman sitting on the stairs while she is text messaging.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

4. Use current photos

Your photos should be no more than one year old. Don't post photos from 3 to 5 years ago just because you like them better, you look better, etc. Remember that people want to date the person in the picture, so you have to look like the photos that you posted.

5. Use photos of you
Singles are looking to see if they're attracted to you -- not your friends. Think of this as your personal ad in cyberspace, and post pictures of you, by yourself. Don't worry -- people will know that you have a life and friends. No pets, kids or sunglasses -- people want to see your eyes.

6. Be positive in your profile

In this undated stock photo, a young woman uses the internet.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

Be positive in your profile -- leave out all negativity. For example, you can take out: "Do not contact me if you're looking for a one-night stand."

7. Stick to only 1 or 2 sites or apps If you're on more than two, it's too many and it'll be hard to stay focused on meeting that special someone.

8. Be patient
Online dating is like finding a needle in a haystack, and it takes a lot of patience to go through profiles, message people and set up dates. You'll have to kiss some frogs -- or a lot of frogs -- to find love.

9. Fill everything in, except how much money you make
Take time to write a good profile and fill out all of the sections possible. My suggestion is not to state your income or the income you'd like someone to make -- let this be something you discuss and discover over time.

10. Chat on the phone before you go out
Once you've exchanged enough messages that you feel a good connection, ask to chat with the person on the phone. Chatting before the date helps to create chemistry, and helps you avoid disappointment. If the person sounds negative, angry, bizarre on the phone -- you don't have to go out with them.

New dating terms to know

The dating terms are constantly changing, so here are some of the latest ones to know.

Freckling: When someone disappears after a summer romance, then comes back around when the weather starts to warm up again.

In this undated stock photo, a young woman uses a digital tablet at home.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

Ghosting: When someone cuts off all communication.

Stashing: When someone you are dating doesn't introduce you to their family or friends.

Zombie-ing: When someone "ghosts" you then all of sudden they just show up back in your life as if nothing is wrong.