Dealing With Backyard Bugs, Poison Plants

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 11, 2003, 5:39 PM

June 12 -- Summertime and the living may seem easy, especially in our backyard, a place that can lull us into a false sense of security. But hidden hazards can await us at every turn.

In fact, many gardeners do not realize that a lot of the common flowers, shrubs and trees growing in their backyards may be poisonous, Good Morning America's Gardening Contributor Rebecca Kolls said. Some of the most common poisonous flowers include: Lily of the Valley, Delphiniums and Peonies.

The key is to do your homework. Know which plants you have growing in your backyard and which ones are poisonous and you might want to get rid of a few of them. As for the poisonous plants that come without an invitation, like poison sumac or poison ivy, there are other ways to handle them.

"Pulling up these plants is not an option because you want to get to the root of the plant," Kolls said. "The best way to do that is with a weed killer. But keep in mind wherever you spray this, everything it touches will die."

Kill Unwanted Plants

To get rid of unwanted plants, take a one-gallon milk jug, cut out the bottom and cut out the top. Next, place the jug over the plant you want to eradicate and spray inside.

"Remember, if any part of your clothing should happen to touch these plants, it will carry the poisonous oils, so be sure to wash your clothes immediately, gloves included," Kolls said.

Unfortunately, a lot of the chemicals used to beautify backyards are also harmful to your health.

"Use them only when you have to kind of like a prescription," Kolls said. "Use them wisely, read the directions thoroughly and don't forget, if you are using airborne chemicals, you need to protect yourself. You want long pants, boots, eye protection, a mask, gloves and a long sleeve shirt."

Basically you should wear the same kind of clothes you would wear when mowing or weed whacking.

For safety, it is also wise to keep both feet on the ground at all times when using anything with a cord or anything that cuts, Kolls said.