70 new emojis are coming soon (including more hairstyles!)

Apple is unveiling 70 new emojis.

July 17, 2018, 1:01 PM

Whether you're celebrating with a smiley face, a confetti ball, or a shrug, today marks World Emoji Day.

The holiday falls on July 17 because it's the date displayed on the calendar emoji and the date that Apple first unveiled iCal for Mac in 2002.

Apple is recognizing the day by unveiling 70 new emojis, including a cold face, party face, pleading face, and a face of hearts.

Apple unveils 70 new emojis on World Emoji Day.

There will also be bald, grey, ginger, and curly-haired faces added. These will be accompanied with a lobster, peacock, parrot, and other colorful animals in addition to new food options like lettuce, a mango, and a cupcake.

Apple unveils 70 new emojis on World Emoji Day.
Apple unveils 70 new emojis on World Emoji Day.

Several characters and symbols will be launched later this year as well, including a new superhero emoji that can help save the day and an infinity symbol that might describe the next line you're stuck waiting in.

Apple unveils 70 new emojis on World Emoji Day.

The 70 new emojis will be rolled out in a free software update later this year.