What is a 'Flower Moon'? Feel the power of the full moon lunar eclipse

The Flower Moon will also be a lunar eclipse on May 5.

May 4, 2023, 7:40 PM

Get ready to feel the power of the Flower Moon!

Electricity is in the air to supercharge this year's full moon in May, which doubles as a lunar eclipse.

Celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas, who is known for his cosmic guidance among celebrities, businesses and online influencers, spoke to "Good Morning America" about the best ways to take advantage of the full moon.

But first, let's break down the meaning of the Flower Moon.

When is the Flower Moon in 2023?

The Flower Moon will appear on May 5. This year, however, the 2023 full moon in May will also be a penumbral lunar eclipse -- when the moon passes into "the faint outer part of [Earth's] shadow," according to NASA -- reaching maximum eclipse at 1:22 p.m. ET and making this moon a "super" Flower Moon.

Why is it called a Flower Moon?

The Old Farmer's Almanac, which first began publishing the names for the full moons in the 1930s, recorded that some Native American tribes referred to the full Moon in May as the "Flower Moon" because of the flowers blooming across North America, signaling abundance after a cold, hard winter, according to NASA.

For similar reasons, other tribes reportedly named the moon based on the arrival of spring. For example, some northern Native American tribes referred to the May full moon as the "Budding Moon" or "Leaf Budding Moon" to celebrate the spring's new blooms. Some also called it the "Planting Moon" because it marked the time when seeds should be planted for the farming season ahead.

What zodiac sign is the Flower Moon in May?

The zodiac sign for each full moon is determined by where the moon is positioned in the night sky relative to the different astrological signs. Each year, the moon will shift, resulting in different characteristics, according to Thomas.

This year, the Flower Moon lunar eclipse is positioned as a full moon in Scorpio, an intense emotional and powerful sign that will only be amplified by the power of the lunar eclipse. This is a period of breakthroughs, endings, or facing fears.

Full moon lunar eclipses in Scorpio will bring great attention to our resources, like material wealth, said Thomas. Emotions will run high, so avoid impulsive or rebellious behavior.

Rituals and manifestations to try during the Flower Moon

Many ancient cultures and religions celebrate celestial cycles, including finding ways to honor and harness the power of the full moon.

To make the best use of this intense energy, many astrologers believe that a full moon is a great time to manifest your dreams. Moreover, astrologers also believe that major events are likely to happen near or during lunar eclipses.

Thomas said that because Scoprio is a sign deeply focused on intimacy, vulnerability and rebirth, focus on feeling all of the feels.

Potential intentions, mantras or journal prompts to include:

  • I release myself from my fears, traumas and insecurities.
  • I open myself to true intimacy and vulnerability.
  • I will not let my past failures or fears in regards to love control me.
  • I am a phoenix, always ready to be reborn and renewed.

Horoscope for the Flower Moon

Check your birthday below!

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

A spotlight is shining on how you share, give and receive in your important relationships, Aries. Thomas said the lunar eclipse is an auspicious period to asses your assets and move with passion.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

This is one of the most important periods in your life surrounding significant partnerships, said Thomas. Commitments and unions are possible, however, a lunar eclipse could also bring an intense and dramatic separation. In the end, there is always a beginning, Taurus.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

The lunar eclipse is turning up the heat to your daily routine, Gemini. This time period could signal a major ending or turning point in your employment, said Thomas. Embrace change.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Ooh, la, la! The universe is cooking up some passion for you, Cancer. Thomas said that the lunar eclipse will likely bring romance, true love or a spark of creativity into your life. Never settle for anything less.

Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)

Feel the feels, dear Leo. You'll likely feel quite emotional during this time, according to Thomas. Things may rock your domestic life, home and family. If you know anyone who needs help, step up to do so.

Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)

Get out of your rut, Virgo, and open your mind to a whole new world. The lunar eclipse will illuminate your communication style, intellect and ideas, said Thomas. This is a significant time to broadcast important thoughts. The world is listening.

Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)

Time to check the bank account, Libra. This is an important moment in your financial life, according to Thomas. Maybe you'll find a side hustle or a new job offer. Trust that the stars are on your side to move in the direction of abundance.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)

It's your time, Scorpio. This full moon lunar eclipse has found its home in your zodiac sign. Watch for significant breakthroughs or breakdowns, said Thomas. Destiny will be speaking directly to you during this time, so listen and, in return, respond by telling it exactly what you want.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)

Slow down, Sagittarius. This lunar eclipse could feel quite difficult for you, so make it a time to lie low and stay put, said Thomas. You may have to confront past fears and anxieties. Check in on your mental and physical health.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)

You are the company you keep, Capricorn -- but you knew that already. This lunar eclipse will bring a significant amount of energy to your friendships and social circles, said Thomas. People may come and go, but true friends will always bring you new versions of happiness.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)

All eyes are on you, Aquarius. The lunar eclipse will ignite a fire under your career ambitions and fuel a drive for public recognition, said Thomas. If you've felt like you've been in a rut in your professional life, it may be time to consider a road less traveled.

Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)

Pisces, you'll find a renewed sense of freedom with this lunar eclipse, lucky you! During this time, you may have more courage to shake things up and step out of your comfort zone, said Thomas. It's time to soar in new directions -- there's a whole world waiting out there.