This homeowner wins Halloween with 2020 yard decoration

"It was the scariest thing I could think of," one sign reads.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 21, 2020, 4:11 AM

A homeowner in Nashville, Tennessee, is a hit on the internet thanks to his 2020 Halloween decoration that perfectly sums up the year amid the coronavirus pandemic, a contentious presidential election and an economic recession.

James Worsham, an artist and designer, placed a large wood cutout of the numbers "2020" in his front yard.

Right next to them is a sign that reads, "It was the scariest thing I could think of ..."

"I had scrap wood laying around so I decided to put it to good use," Worsham told "Good Morning America." "And I'm kind of known for cheesy dad jokes so I figured why not put one literally on my lawn."

Worsham, the owner of Handy Dandy Productions, said he does not normally decorate his own house for the holidays because he spends so much of his time decorating his clients' homes.

This year, however, he thought it was only appropriate after surviving a tornado that hit Nashville and destroyed his studio, and amid the pandemic, which closed his business for several months..

This DIY project lets trick-or-treaters get their candy while staying six-feet away.
'Candy slide' is here and Halloween is saved This DIY project lets trick-or-treaters get their candy while staying six-feet away.

"I've been self-employed for about six years and having my baby kind of stall out overnight and have to pivot was really hard," he said. "And I've had lots of family health issues so it was just a hard year."

Worsham said he has tried to look at the bright side of things this year, which has included him being able to create new types of art in his downtime.

James Worsham created a unique Halloween display in the front yard of his Nashville, Tenn., home.
James Worsham/@handydandyproductions

He hopes his Halloween piece of art also makes people stop and smile, which it has been doing for people in his neighborhood and his followers online.

"I just hope that no matter what happens to people, that they're able to laugh at things," he said.

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