This 2-year-old's morning mantra is the pep talk we needed today

You are bold. You are brilliant. You are beautiful. Repeat.

This 2-year-old's morning mantra is the pep talk we needed today
courtesy of Sofia Dimitrievski, Instagram: @thedimifamily
October 18, 2021, 3:58 PM

This two-year-old's morning mantra is the pep talk we needed today.

In a short clip posted by The Dimi Family on Instagram, Aleksandra Dimitrievski is seen proclaiming several empowering affirmations. She begins by passionately stating "you are bold" and "you are brilliant."

"Today, you will no let other people's words affect you," Aleksandra continued. "You are worthy of greatness!"

The young Australian ended the video with a sweet "I love you."

"I was doing my makeup one day and Aleksandra climbed into my lap so I started saying some affirmations, and she would repeat them but with such passion," Aleksandra's mother and content creator, Sofia Dimitrievski, told "GMA." "It was so cute. So I thought I'd try getting her to repeat longer ones."

Dimitrievski also shared that the affirmations were from supermodel and body positive advocate Ashley Graham.

"I love her because she is such a beautiful positive light," Dimitrievski said.

Not too long ago, the family started sharing Aleksandra's enlightening affirmations on TikTok, which have garnered millions of views and lots of positive feedback.

"We had so many comments on how happy our videos made people, how it calmed their anxiety and even saved their life," said Dimitrievski.

Dimitrievski said mental health is also important to her family; Dimitrievski lost her brother 10 years ago due to mental health-related issues.

"My daughter is named after him which makes this even more special because she is now helping spread love and joy to the world," she said.

With nearly one million views on TikTok, Aleksandra's "You are bold" video caught the attention of Graham. The model reposted the clip as a duet.

In addition to her excitement about Graham sharing her daughter's video, Dimitrievski hopes her daughter's words continue to make people happy and gives them hope.

"When my brother passed I couldn't find joy anymore," Dimitrievski said. "To be honest, I didn't want to until one day I woke up and thought I have to keep going. I need to do it for both of us. Not everyone can do that. So to know that my family, especially my daughter, can make people's days and lives better by bringing happiness into their home with our videos honestly is the greatest gift we could ever receive."

She added, "I hope they really listen to our messages to follow their heart and their dreams, but above all else to believe in themselves ... and who better to be their cheerleader than a beautiful passionate baby."