How to Winterize Your Pets

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 21, 2004, 2:05 PM

Oct. 23, 2004 — -- While some dogs -- like Siberian huskies -- seem built for the cold, not all breeds are blessed with such a thick coat. Brian Kilcommons, dog trainer and author, says it's important for pet owners to remember that dogs can get hypothermia and frostbite just like humans.

"Good Morning America" showed off the following pet-friendly products that will help keep your best friend warm and safe this winter.

Glowing Leashes, Collars, and Jackets:
When you walk with lighted leashes, collars and jackets, you and your pet won't go unnoticed by passing motorists.

Heated Pet Bowls:
Most people don't realize that when water freezes, dogs don't have access to it.

Boots and Protective Wax:
Ice cuts and abrasions on the pads of your pets paws aren't that unusual during the winter months. The salty sidewalks can also be drying and irritating. As a result, you may want to protect your dog's paws with boots or protective wax and spray products.

Keeping Warm and Dry:
When it's sleeting out and nasty, you may want to cover your pet with a slicker or sweater.

A warm comfortable bed makes a huge difference in the winter. A heated bed for older dogs may be a good option if the dog suffers from arthritis, which worsens during the winter months.

Protection from Winter Chemicals:
The problem with antifreeze is that it often has a very sweet taste to it. As a result, dogs and cats can end up ingesting it. You may want to look for a pet-friendly antifreeze that's safe to store and use in your vehicle when you have pets living in your home.

One Last Tip:
Before you start your car, bang on the hood. Cats often climb into the engine to stay warm in the winter. When you bang on the hood, most cats will take off.