'No Cussing' Teen Takes on the Vice President

Teenager behind "no cussing" movement demands Biden clean up his language.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 27, 2010, 8:09 AM

March 27, 2010— -- It was the f-bomb heard 'round the world.

"This is a big f***ing deal," Vice President Joe Biden whispered in Barack Obama's ear after he introduced the president at the podium in the East Room of the White House Tuesday.

The open microphones picked up Biden's foul-mouthed pep talk live on national television before the president's speech on the newly signed health care legislation.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs acknowledged Biden's words, writing on his Twitter account, "And yes Mr. Vice President, you're right ..."

McKay Hatch, 17, from South Pasadena, Calif., isn't letting Vice President Biden off the hook so easily.

"We are very disappointed with Vice President Biden's words during the passing of the health bill," said McKay in a press conference he called Friday.

Hatch founded the "No Cussing Club" at his junior high school in 2007, after getting fed up with the foul language he heard at school.

"A lot of kids at my school, and some of my friends, would cuss and use dirty language all the time," Hatch said. "They did it so much, they didn't even realize they were doing it. It bothered me so much that one day I challenged them to stop."

His cause struck a nerve, and he soon appeared on dozens of news programs, was cited by Dr. Phil and went to other schools to give inspirational talks.

The club currently boasts 35,000 members from all 50 states and 20 different countries. Now Hatch is challenging the country's second in command to take up his no-swearing challenge.

"All we ask is for a public apology and for him to take the 'no cussing challenge' and show America that hope and change starts at the top," Hatch said.