Weekend Window to Seattle

Viewers choose Seattle as a go to vacation spot.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 9, 2008, 5:56 PM

Aug. 10, 2008 — -- Interested in exploring the natural and man-made beauty shown in our Weekend Window to Seattle?

Here are some of the places showcased:

Pike Place Market
Where you can see the famous fish tossing vendors as well as eat your way through the market from dawn till dusk!

Seattle Art Museum
Affectionately called "SAM," see art in the most unexpected places. From sculptures to a variety of art from different cultures, there's a ton to look at here.

Space Needle
Built in 1962 for the World's Fair, many consider this to be the symbol of the city. It certainly is an icon. With elevators that have city views, be prepared to catch some gorgeous views of the city, Cascade and Olympic Mountains as you rise up at 5 mph.

Kenmore Air
Take a San Juan Island whale watching safari from the sky or just marvel at the beauty of Seattle from above. Sea planes can get you close to the oceanic action.

The Edgewater HotelSurrounded by the Olympic Mountains, this hotel sits so close to Elliott Bay, you feel as if you could almost reach out and touch the water. Elegance and nature in one comfy package.