Rage yoga trend turns tranquil practice on its head
From drinking alcohol to cursing in class, the anti-yoga behavior is encouraged.
A new yoga craze is all the rage and a bit of an oxymoron.
Rage yoga has started to stretch across the U.S. where more new instructors are adopting the practice that includes alcohol, profanity and some not so family-friendly poses.

The seemingly off-brand flow, which first took roots in Canada, may be the antithesis of what most yogis expect from a dimly lit room with soft music and calming poses.
Lindsay Istace, the founder of Rage Yoga, told Health.com that "It's meant to be a different approach to yoga for those who find their peaceful center in a different way."
The practice is more chaotic and involves ones sense of humor.
Students are encouraged to let it all out with screams, curse words and hand gestures, Istace explained, but it still incorporates traditional yoga postures and breathing, just with alternative principles.
Some of-age participants are even served an alcoholic drink that they can enjoy throughout the class.
According to rageyoga.com, there are online training programs available for people interested in becoming a Rage yoga instructor that start at $800.