Amy Green's 3 Favorite Gluten-Free Pie Recipes

3 Favorite Gluten-Free Pie Recipes

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 20, 2011, 12:26 PM

Oct. 25, 2011— -- intro: As pie season approaches, delicious gluten-free recipes can be difficult to find. Amy Green, creater of Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free gives us some of her favorite holiday pie recipes. Make these at home this week for a healthy dessert your kids will love. Click on each below.

quicklist:category: title: Chocolate Cream Pieurl: 14762207text: Chocolate and walnut is a classic flavor pairing, so I didn't think twice about pouring this filling into a luscious nut crust. This pie is perfect for the holidays, especially because you can make it ahead of time. I use unsweetened carob chips because they don't contain refined sugar. If you can't find them, substitute your favorite low-sugar chocolate chip. media: 14761708 related:

quicklist: category: title: Pumpkin Pieurl: 14777406text: I love pumpkin. Each fall I roast pounds and pounds of sugar pumpkins, puree them, and store the gorgeous orange flesh in the freezer so I can eat it all year long. I actually like it right out of the jar topped with Greek yogurt, stevia and cinnamon. The holidays give me an excuse to make this pie, and the pecan crust gives it a rustic 14761732 related:

quicklist: category: title: Apple Pie With Pecan Crumb Toppingurl: 14777636text: When baking an apple pie, the fruit sinks as the juices are released. I pile the apples a little higher in the middle so when it comes out of the oven the pie looks full, which is why I call for 6 to 7 cups of apples. If you need more to get the same result, use more. And if you need less, use less. It all depends on the depth of your pie 14761686 related: