Pudgy Pets? Products to Help Obese Dogs and Cats Lose the Pounds

Pet treadmill, automatic feeder, can help pet slim down.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 22, 2011, 8:56 PM

Feb. 23, 2011 — -- It's a fact: Americans are getting fatter -- and Fluffy and Fido are joining in.

A study released today from the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention found that about 93 million dogs and cats in America -- or more than half of the dogs and cats in the United States -- are overweight or obese.

Obesity is a serious problem for pets. It can take years from their life expectancy.

Wendy Bounds wrote about the growing problem in an article in the Wall Street Journal. Bounds appeared on "Good Morning America" today to talk about the issue and to share tips on what you can do to help your beloved family pets lose the excess weight.

Cost: $599.99 to $999.99, from Petzen Dogtread. Get more information at www.dogtread.com