Don't Lose Your Sexual Self to Motherhood, Says 'Naked Mom' Brooke Burke

A candid account of Brooke Burke's life as a mother.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 1, 2011, 2:16 PM

Feb. 01, 2011 — -- "Dancing With the Stars" champ and successful businesswoman Brooke Burke wrote "Naked Mom" to spotlight what she believes is her most important job: mother.

In an interview on GMA, Burke told Robin Roberts, "I almost named the book 'Dancing through Chaos' because it's really about maneuvering through life and finding my own rhythm and trying to gracefully manage the chaos. I think most mothers are going to relate to it."

Burke said that mothers will relate to her honesty throughout the book.

"'The Naked Mom' really is about motherhood revealed and parts of me that no one has seen before. Either I'm going to do it truthfully, and I'm going to tell all, or not at all. I'm one of those mothers where I'm not ashamed to share my challenges and my difficult moments and also the things that I did right and the things that I'm learning…raising a blended family, not easy," said Burke.

Burke is frank about the things she's done wrong. "I learn every day from my children," she said. "I never do it perfectly."

Read an excerpt from the book below, then check out some other books in the "GMA" library.

Lover, fighter, giver, taker, hero, villain, soul mate, bitch, spouse, daughter, sister, coach, seductress, ice queen, protector, chauffeur, chef, hostess, boss, trophy, caregiver, confidante, choreographer, director, playmate, maid, diva, martyr, negotiator, diplomat, nurse, gardener, cheerleader, hunter, gatherer, survivor, decision maker, counselor, vixen, fixer, dreamer, faker, mind reader, partner, accomplice, volunteer, drill sergeant, entrepreneur, juggler, clown, domestic engineer, goddess, witch, teacher, warior, banker, concubine, geek, spy, dairy bar, mistress, referee, fashionista, dancer, femme fatale, peacemaker, nurturer, judge, jury, comedienne, shrew, lioness, actress, champion, bodyguard, CEO, role model, best friend, competitor, advocate, manager, rescuer, sprinter, courier, princess, saint, sinner, networker, homemaker, employee, slave, dictator, rebel, servant, healer, politician, magician, muse.

How many different words describe you? A handful? A hundred? That's why I wanted to write this book, because I believe passionately that motherhood is so much more than the sum of its countless roles and dog-eared labels: This is about us. For us. Smart, sexy, soulful moms. Consider this an exposé of who we really are, when you shed the stereotypes and popular myths and the polished façades we all hide behind at times.

The Naked Mom is motherhood, revealed. It's not about being right or wrong. It's about being authentic. When you're raising four children, running a household, tending a relationship, building a multimillion-dollar business, and pursuing a television career, there's no room for pretense or posturing. I always knew I would be a mother, but I never imagined I would have this many children this fast, or that our lives would be full of changes and new challenges every day. But I was raised to take chances, to be strong, and to find my own way. When I think about myself as a mother, I suppose that's just what I've done. I don't believe in A-to-Z guides that spell out the "right" way to raise your children, or be a wife, or realize your personal goals. There's always going to be someone out there wanting to tell you exactly how to do it—that opinionated friend who thinks her way is the only way, another mother who's doing something better than you are.