'Bachelor' Couple Moves Closer

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 22, 2003, 10:40 AM

N E W   Y O R K, May 22 -- ABC's The Bachelor broadcast yet another marriage proposal on the season finale Sunday night but will the latest reality TV couple really make it down the aisle?

Andrew Firestone and Jen Schefft say they're willing to bet a lot on their love.

Schefft, a 26-year-old account manager, already quit her job in Chicago the first step on her long move to Firestone's home town of San Francisco.

"We're going back to Chicago first to square some things away, and then it's off to San Francisco," Schefft said.

Firestone, grandson of tire entrepreneur Harvey Firestone, says they made the decision to live near each other because they need to spend time together, without the cameras, in order to really get to know each other before setting a wedding date.

"We want to fight over the remote," Firestone joked on ABCNEWS' Good Morning America.

Firestone's family fortune, which includes a family owned winery along California's central coast, served as an added attraction for a few of the 25 bachelorettes on the show.

Firestone, however, says he's not worried about money coming between him and Schefft.

No Prenup

The 26-year-old says he won't ask for a prenuptial agreement before they marry.

"I feel like that's taking the easy way out," Firestone said. "My father didn't ask my mother for a prenuptial and they came from different backgrounds. I think that's a ridiculous way to start a relationship."

Firestone nervously proposed to Schefft during the two hour finale of the reality show Sunday.

"Jen, I love you. I think that we fit perfectly together and I look forward to a life of adventure, happiness and family," Andrew said.

Then he got down on one knee, placed an oval-shaped Harry Winston diamond engagement ring on her finger, and asked, "Jen, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" she answered. "Yes, I will."

Kirsten Buschbacher, the 23-year-old merchandiser from Tampa, Fla., who was turned away by Firestone in the last episode, told Good Morning America that the Bachelor and Schefft belong together.