Midlife Makeup Tips

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 30, 2002, 5:22 PM

Oct. 1 -- An everyday lady might think it's better to wear cover-up when the face begins to wrinkle a bit, but a cosmetic connoisseur will tell you that it's a big makeup mistake.

Lauren Hutton, 59, a pioneer in the supermodel world, is launching her own line of cosmetics under the title "Good Stuff."

Hutton says she was inspired to create a makeup line for older women when she realized that her regular makeup wasn't working for her anymore in fact, she says it was working against her.

"As I began to get older, I realized that I couldn't wear the same makeup that worked for me in my younger years," she said on ABCNEWS' Good Morning America."And it's not only what you apply, but how it's apply as your face ages."

Hutton says makeup companies have created lines for tweens, teens and even men everyone except older women. Hutton says her line is different than traditional makeup because it's a lightweight, shimmer-free formula that doesn't settle in lines or wrinkles.

Hutton original created the good stuff for her own use. She has been wearing the "natural-looking" makeup for 12 years now.

Her line includes four compacts geared towards different skin tone groups pink, yellow, olive and brown. They include all of the makeup products for around $50.

Hutton's Quick Application Tips for Women:

Concealer: "The trick with the transparent concealer is that instead of putting it underneath your eyes, I put it to the sides of my eyes because the skin there, as you get older, thins out," Hutton said. "Then I put some on the lines at the corner of the nose and mouth and fill that line in. and then under the chin because we get dark shadows under the chin as we age."

Jowl-Removal: "I do this with shadow," Hutton said. "Our skin elasticity weakens as we age and we get these little jowls on either side of our chin, but you can cut the jowls off with shadow and a good brush. If you put shawdowing on your jaw line, on both sides of your chin, it will create clean jaw line."