Will Fast Food Be The Death Of Us?

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 7, 2002, 8:09 PM

N E W   Y O R K, Jan. 8 -- On any given day, about a quarter of Americans scarf down burgers, fries, and sodas, the staples of the all-American fast food fix.

Residents of the United States spend more on fast food a year than they do movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and records combined. Americans shelled out more than $110 billion on burgers, fried chicken, and the like in 2000, compared with $6 billion in 1970.

That obsession with fast food is harming adults and children alike, said Eric Schlosser, a journalist who wrote

Fast Food Nation, subtitled The Dark Side of the All-American Meal.

The best seller, just out in paperback, contends that fast food has changed the way Americans eat, and is partly to blame for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and deaths from E-coli bacteria. Its author proposes that people essentially boycott fast food until restaurants start preparing healthier food.

"People should know what they're eating, and how it's made; they should spend their money at places that make food well," Schlosser told Good Morning America. "Nobody is forcing people to eat this stuff, and fast food places will change when customers demand changes."

Even if 2 percent to 3 percent of customers complained, it would make a big drop in sales, Schlossberg said. The fast food companies aren't out to harm us. But what is good for them in the short run, is not good for us in the long run.

When Fast Food Nation first came out, McDonald's gave this response:

"His [Schlosser's] opinion is outvoted 45 million to 1 every single day, because that's how many customers around the world choose to come to McDonald's for our menu of variety, value and quality," the statement said.

Healthy, Happy Meals?

U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher issued a "call to action" in mid-December, saying some 300,000 deaths a year are related to obesity, and calling for the removal of fast-food from schools.

"Fast food is really moving into schools, which is horrible, because eating habits are formed when you're young, so if you get fat then, you've started a lifelong battle," Schlosser said.