Sam Champion Answers Your Questions

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 28, 2006, 11:57 AM

Sept. 29, 2006 — -- You asked, and he answered.

After viewers sent in hundreds of e-mails, "Good Morning America" weatherman Sam Champion candidly answers some of your questions below.

Where is the most beautiful place you have ever visited? What is your favorite song?
-- Charles Duan Roth, M.D.

My most beautiful place would be any of the miles of quiet beach in the Caribbean, and my favorite song is probably still "More Than a Feeling" by Boston.

If a tropical storm in the Atlantic turned into a full force hurricane, what effects would it have on New York City and other metropolitan areas on the eastern seaboard? How much warning would we have? What are the best things to do to prepare for a potential hurricane living in a large city?
-- David Dunning

Hurricanes are steered by other weather patterns, so it would depend on the weather systems in the area at the time. But rest assured that because of the great advances in weather forecasting, computer forecast models, and the 24-hour eye of the National Hurricane Center, we would have plenty of warning for an impending East Coast storm.

Now that you are a national TV personality, what is your favorite memory of your early days in television?
-- Leonard Riggs Jr.

Probably of the days that we were creating new ways to use computer graphics and movie images to help tell the weather story. That was fun.

What would be the results if there were to be a major earthquake in the Gulf of Mexico?
-- Kathie Barker

We've seen a few earthquakes in the Gulf -- recently one close to Florida. Shock waves were felt from Florida to Louisiana, but no damage.