Find Major Bargains in Post-Holiday Sales

Find deals on electronics, luggage, womens' apparel, home accessories and cars.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 29, 2007, 2:54 PM

Dec. 29, 2007— -- Good things come to those who wait.

Now that the holidays have come and gone, smart shoppers will be able to find some of the best deals of the year this week.

Jon Linkov of "Consumer Reports," who joined "Good Morning America" to give viewers some expert advice on tracking down bargains, recommended five different categories where shopers will find the steepest post-holiday sales.

Don't expect to find the most popular items at a discount, but instead get deals on their accessories.

"The controllers for Wii, for example, or home docks for the iPod ... not so much the Wii or iPod itself," Linkov said.

Manufacturers won't mark down the hot items, but it's a good time to get all the stuff that goes with them.

"GMA Weekend" found an iHome at Toys 'R Us for 50 percent off.

Linkov suggested getting a car charger for your iPod if you still have a tape deck. The device will convert your sound system so that you can listen to your iPod in the car.

"Those are the kinds of things you can find the great discounts, 50 percent, almost 70 percent off sometimes," he said.

Luggage sales spike before Thanksgiving and Christmas travel, so you can expect to find major markdowns after the holidays.

"Everyone's back to school, back to work, and they [manufacturers] are kind of locked in for the wintertime. This is when you see E-Bags, for example, knock off 20 percent maybe," Linkov said.

"GMA Weekend" found the price on a leather suitcase at JCPenney slashed from $240 to $119.

Linkov also suggests looking for discounts on some luxury names, particularly for spring and summer travel.

With gift cards more popular than ever, people are going to go out and buy what they want, and that often means clothing for themselves.

Linkov says that since "we haven't had a big winter," there's great opportunity in cashmere and other cold weather gear.

"Cashmere was big last year, so they loaded in with it this year," he said.

"GMA Weekend" found a cashmere v-neck sweater at Macy's -- originally priced at $100 -- for just $50.