Newly Slim Mother Shares Photo Spread With Four Other Women

Kathy Sterling graces People magazine's annual 100-pound issue.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 24, 2008, 2:40 PM

May 25, 2008 -- Two years ago, Kathy Sterling tipped the scales at nearly 300 pounds.

But today, Sterling is more than 130 pounds lighter -- and she has the pictures to prove it.

A bikini-clad Sterling posed with her newly slim body in this week's issue of People magazine.

Sterling had a wake-up call two years ago.

"I remember laying in the bed crying because I was so heavy and I was out of control," she told "Good Morning America."

"I just ate whatever I wanted to, whenever I wanted to and how often I wanted to," Sterling said.

The 29-year-old mother of two had numerous weight-related health problems. Sterling said she was short of breath just walking down her hallway.

"I couldn't keep up with my kids," she said.

Even with the health concerns, Sterling said embarrassment about her weight was what finally pushed her down a life-changing path.

"I didn't want to run into people ... [because] the first thing they would say is, 'Gosh, you seen Kathy lately? She sure has packed on the pounds,'" she said.

Even her young son noticed her excess weight.

"Brantley, my son, would say stuff like, 'Mamma, you have a big old belly,'" Sterling said. "That would just tear me to pieces."

Instead of turning to pills or plastic surgery, Sterling shed pounds the old-fashioned way -- she started exercising and revamping her diet.

She went to Weight Watchers and learned how to change her eating habits. Sterling stopped eating the donuts and soft drinks, and added foods like vegetables and low-calorie meals to her diet.

Sterling also began running, lifting weights and getting active with her family. She began losing weight and -- two years later -- attracted the attention of People magazine for its annual "100 Pounds" issue.

"We thought Kathy had a great story because she lost over 100 pounds -- she lost 132 pounds, more than anyone else [in the magazine]," People senior editor Gina Espinosa said. "We thought her physical transformation was incredible."

And that transformation was more than skin deep, her family said.

"She's a lot happier person now," said her husband, Terry Sterling. "A lot easier to live with."