Convicted Violent Sex Offender Speaks Out on Radio Program

Amid a community's fears, sex offender says on radio he's a "changed man."

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 23, 2008, 7:51 AM

Oct. 23, 2008 — -- When convicted violent sex offender Michael Etchison moved into the quiet Sacramento suburb of Roseville, he was met with a flurry of paper, but it was hardly welcoming confetti.

Rather, police went door to door handing out more than 100 fliers and a press release and sent e-mails that informed residents of the 53-year-old's violent history.

In an unusual response Wednesday, Etchison appeared on a Sacramento radio program to tell his new neighbors he is a "changed man."

"I've been a terrible person," Etchison said on Sacramento's "The Capitol Hour" on KTKZ. "I've done a lot of crimes, as you're all aware of, and they have been very bad and I take full responsibility."

Etchison's lengthy criminal history includes four sexual assaults on young women as well as the murder of a woman with a meat cleaver when he was 17. Etchison moved into the community last week and registered with police as a sex offender as required by law.

"I am a changed man," Etchison said. "Today I do the right thing at all times. Jesus Christ is in my life and he holds me accountable."

Many callers, however, did not show the same faith in Etchison.

"Can he guarantee, living in Roseville and a person that lives in the vicinity, he will not jeopardize anyone in that area?" one caller asked.

"If you can just kick back and watch," Etchison said. "Watch me. Watch every move that I make. See how I act. I think you'll find I'm an asset to the community, not a hindrance."

Etchison was most recently released in 2006 from the violent sexual predator program after serving 10 years at Atascadero State Hospital, according to ABC News' Sacramento affiliate News10. He is not on parole.

At a Roseville town hall meeting, to which Etchison said he was not invited, residents passionately voiced their concerns.

"This guy murdered and raped," one woman said. "How many chances does he get?"

"Tell me the law with this guy running loose and my daughter walking home from school right by his house," said one man while pulling his young daughter to his side. "And I'm not taking any chances."

Police told residents that they have done what they can and that Etchison is not breaking any laws.

Etchison said he is willing to do whatever it takes to calm his neighbors' fears.

"There's fear. There's anger. I want to apologize and ask for forgiveness," Etchison said. "Everywhere I go, this has potential to come out. I need to settle down. If they [residents] just give me a chance, they'll see I'm a man of God."

ABC News' Sacramento affiliate News10 contributed to this report.