Why Update Your Kitchen?

The kitchen is one of the most important areas of the home to women.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 20, 2011, 3:25 PM

July 28, 2011 — -- According to a recent survey, women view the kitchen as the best way to express themselves to guests. Therefore, women make most of the decisions when it comes to updating the kitchen.

Home owners are very picky when it comes to kitchen products. They don't usually listen to contractors and are more likely to listen to retailers. Seeing products in realistic kitchen setting helps sell the product. Also, home owners change their opinion about kitchen products very frequently.

Adults with older children either who have moved out or are still living in the home are most likely to embark on a kitchen project.

When thinking about starting home improvement, home owners create a list of house needs. This usually leads to the kitchen being the area that is in most need. Kitchen projects are very ambitious projects and may even be abandoned at points. The average length for a kitchen project is 2 years long. 17% of home projects in general are never finished.

What projects have you started but haven't finished? And why haven't you finished those projects? Visit the Ally Straight Talk Blog and tell us.

SOURCE: http://www.nkba.org/Learn/Homeowners/Statistics.aspx