US sets new daily case record for 2nd straight day

The U.S. reached its single-day record with over 90,000 COVID-19 cases.

Over 45.4 million people across the globe have been diagnosed with COVID-19, according to data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. The actual numbers are believed to be much higher due to testing shortages, many unreported cases and suspicions that some national governments are hiding or downplaying the scope of their outbreaks. The criteria for diagnosis -- through clinical means or a lab test -- has also varied from country to country.

COVID-19 has killed more than 1.18 million people worldwide.

The United States is the worst-affected nation, with more than 9 million diagnosed cases and at least 229,585 lives lost.

The U.S. battle against the pandemic is headed in a dangerous direction as the nation reached its single-day record for cases on Thursday, according to the COVID Tracking Project.

Forty-two states and territories are in an upward trajectory of new cases, according to an internal Health and Human Services memo obtained by ABC News.

US passes 9 million COVID-19 cases

The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States has surpassed 9 million.

There were 9,007,298 cases reported by 4 p.m. Friday, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden reacted to the number in a statement, calling it "as severe an indictment of a president's record as one can possibly imagine," and "utterly disqualifying."

"Anyone who is responsible for plunging and ensnaring America in this crisis -- anyone who could do so without an ounce of shame or a shred of empathy -- should not be president," Biden wrote on Friday.

There have been 229,293 reported COVID-19 deaths.

The U.S. passed 8 million cases on Oct. 16.

US sees record number of daily COVID-19 cases

The United States set a new record in single-day COVID-19 cases Friday, according to several data trackers.

There were 92,630 new COVID-19 cases reported between 5 p.m. Thursday and 5 p.m. Friday, according to date from Johns Hopkins University.

Another tally, by The New York Times, also saw a record number of new cases on Friday, with 90,728.

And The COVID Tracking Project put the nation’s daily case numbers at 97,080, far surpassing Thursday's record of 88,452. The current case surges indicate "uncontrolled spread" of COVID-19, the group said.

Cruises can return after companies prove compliance using volunteer passengers on 'simulated voyages': CDC

A day before its No Sail Order is set to expire, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that cruise lines can resume operations after companies prove compliance using volunteer passengers on "simulated voyages."

The passengers must agree to testing before and after the cruise, have no pre-existing conditions and consent to potentially putting themselves at risk. The CDC's new Conditional Sail Order has also outlined requirements around sanitation, social distancing and crew testing.

Cruise lines can apply for a Conditional Sailing Certificate if they have "successfully conducted a simulated voyage or series of simulated voyages demonstrating the cruise ship operator’s ability to mitigate the risks of COVID-19 onboard its cruise ship,” the order stated.

In a statement, Royal Caribbean called the announcement "an important step in the right direction."

"While we are eager to welcome our guests back on board, we have a lot to do between now and then, and we’re committed to taking the time to do things right," the company said.

It is not clear when the simulated voyages will begin.

Last month, the CDC extended a ban on large cruises in U.S. waters through Oct. 31.

ABC News Sam Sweeney, Mina Kaji and Gio Benitez contributed to this report.

Belgium introduces strict 'last-chance measures'

Belgium, Europe’s hardest-hit nation at this time, is introducing strict new rules.

Nonessential businesses are closing for six weeks and a nighttime curfew is in place. Outside gatherings are limited to three people, and residents can only have one person over to their home.

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo called these "last-chance measures" as Belgium hopes to prevent the collapse of its health care system.

Belgium reported a 21.1% positivity rate on Tuesday. Last week, there were an average of 13,052 new cases reported each day.

ABC News’ Aicha el Hammar and Kirit Radia contributed to this report.

Georgia governor quarantining after exposure

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and his wife are quarantining after learning on Friday that they “were recently exposed to an individual who received a positive test,” tweeted Kemp’s press secretary, Cody Hall.

Kemp and the first lady, Marty Kemp, have since been tested, Hall said. Results of their tests have not yet been released.