Study: Fact and Fiction Cloudy for Children

ByABC News
March 27, 2001, 12:31 PM

N E W   Y O R K, March 27 -- Throw two paper airplanes, and ask a young child which flew better. The child will be able to tell you.

Wait three months. Now, ask a parent to read the child a book that includes the event and something that never happened, such as the child being touched by the person who made the planes.

Many children will report the fiction as fact.

The younger the child, the more likely the fabrication will be recounted as real.

Such was the finding of a study of 114 children between the ages of 3 and 8 years old by two psychologists on how children can be manipulated by parents when reporting the truth.

The finding has implications for children who witness crimes or in custody cases, when parents might be providing inaccurate information to children, says Debra Anne Poole, professor of psychology at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, and co-author of the study.

We knew that children can be influenced by false information when suggested by others than their parents, says Poole. We wanted to see to what extent the children could be influenced by their parents.

Parents Believed More than Mr. Science

In the study, children interacted with a man called Mr. Science who showed them science demonstrations, such as pulley pulling, paper airplane construction and top spinning. The researchers interviewed the children to report what happened.

Three months later the researchers gave parents a book to read about the demonstrations, which also had fictional information about Mr. Science touching the children. Researchers found that 35 percent of the children reported fictitious events.

But older children, between 7 and 8, , who were prompted to remember the source of information, such as either from the original incident or from the book were better able to distinguish fact from fiction than the younger children.

The findings are in the current issue of the Journal of Experimental Psychology.