Cartoon of France Showing Solidarity With Brussels Goes Viral

Jean Plantureux is the artist.

ByABC News
March 22, 2016, 12:32 PM

— -- A French cartoonist's design showing Paris embracing Brussels in the wake of today's terror attacks is going viral.

Jean Plantureux, known as Plantu, posted his artwork on Twitter following the explosions that took place at the Brussels airport and subway station earlier today.

"With this cartoon, Plantu shows his deepest support to the Belgian people," Plantu's assistant wrote to ABC News in an email. "France and Belgium are now more than ever united in the battle against terrorism."

French cartoonist Plantu participates on Feb. 11, 2015 in a workshop with students in the Paris suburb of Malakoff.
AFP/Getty Images

Known for his political cartoons, Plantu's work has appeared in the French newspaper Le Monde since 1972, according to the Cartooning for Peace website, an organization where Plantu serves as president.

Today, Plantu's cartoon depicted France mourning for Brussels by showing both countries' flags and listing the dates of both the Nov. 13 Paris attacks as well as today's attacks.

He tweeted his drawing soon after the bombings with the caption: "The Attacks Tuesday, March 22 in Brussels (the drawing of the world)"

So far, Plantu's cartoon has received over 9,000 retweets and over 8,000 likes on Le Monde's Instagram page.