Group of Friends Turns Morning Commute Into Christmas Party

A group of commuters in Wales turned their morning ride into a Christmas party.

ByABC News
December 22, 2015, 2:57 PM
The friends often commute together from Abergavenny to Cardiff and decided to plan a Christmas celebration for Friday morning.
The friends often commute together from Abergavenny to Cardiff and decided to plan a Christmas celebration for Friday morning.
Cellan Michael

— -- An ordinary morning train was transformed into a Christmas express thanks to a group of festive commuters.

On the morning of Dec.18 at 8:08 a.m., a group of six took their usual 40-minute commute from Abergavenny to Cardiff, Wales. However, much to the surprise of their fellow passengers, the friends brought with them a full holiday spread, complete with food, a table cloth, and decorations.

A group of festive commuters turned their morning ride into a party.

According to one of the organizers, the idea came together “on the day” with contributions from all six of them.

“The idea evolved from a previous couple of similar events when we celebrated someone getting a new job and someone returning to work from serious illness,” Cellan Michael told ABC News.

The group indulged in a lavish spread: croissants, pain au chocolate, toasted sandwiches, smoked salmon and cream cheese blini's, chocolate truffles and Prosecco to drink. They also invited their fellow passengers to join in on the festivities.

“We had enough food to share with others and had two spare seats at the tables we had - which were quickly taken,” Michael said.

The Welsh group brought snacks and prosecco to their train party Friday.

Alexandrea Jakeway was a fellow commuter on board. She described the ride as “the best ever Christmas Commute.”

“I was so impressed with the festive effort that had gone into the train party breakfast,” she told ABC News. “It really brightened my day up and started me feeling festive!”

For Michael, that was one of the best parts. With the success of their Christmas party, the group will “for sure” host more events for their commute in the future.

“Birthdays, arrival of spring, people getting new jobs, Easter - lots of opportunities and hopefully we can engage more and more people who make the same journey as us on a daily basis,” Michael said.