Israel-Gaza updates: US ambassador to Israel demands return of hostages

The war is the deadliest conflict between the two sides in recent history.

More than a month after a temporary truce between Israel and Hamas ended, the Israeli military continues its bombardment of the neighboring Gaza Strip.

The end of the cease-fire came after Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that governs Gaza, freed over 100 of the more than 200 people its militants took hostage during the Oct. 7 surprise attack on southern Israel. In exchange, Israel released more than 200 Palestinians from Israeli prisons.

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What we know about the conflict

The latest outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that governs the Gaza Strip, has passed the four-month mark.

In the Gaza Strip, at least 30,228 people have been killed and 71,377 others have been wounded by Israeli forces since Oct. 7, according to Gaza's Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health.

In Israel, at least 1,200 people have been killed and 6,900 others have been injured by Hamas and other Palestinian militants since Oct. 7, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

There has also been a surge in violence in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Israeli forces have killed at least 395 people in the territory since Oct. 7, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

The ongoing war began after Hamas-led militants launched an unprecedented incursion into southern Israel from neighboring Gaza via land, sea and air. Scores of people were killed while more than 200 others were taken hostage, according to Israeli authorities. The Israeli military subsequently launched retaliatory airstrikes followed by a ground invasion of Gaza, a 140-square-mile territory where more than 2 million Palestinians have lived under a blockade imposed by Israel and supported by Egypt since Hamas came to power in 2007. Gaza, unlike Israel, has no air raid sirens or bomb shelters.

Hamas releases video showing 3 Israeli hostages in captivity

Hamas released a video on Sunday showing three Israeli hostages who are still being held in captivity in Gaza.

The three hostages that appear in the video are 26-year-old Noa Argamani, 35-year-old Itai Svirsky and 53-year-old Yossi Sharabi.

The video released by Hamas called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to end the war on Gaza.

-ABC News' Ellie Kaufman

Biden marks 'devastating' 100 days since Hamas attack

President Joe Biden on Sunday marked 100 days since Hamas launched its deadly attacks on Israel on Oct. 7, vowing to get more of the American hostages freed.

"For 100 days, they have existed in fear for their lives, not knowing what tomorrow will bring," Biden said of the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.

"For 100 days, their families have lived in agony, praying for the safe return of their loved ones," Biden added, saying the families have been "at the forefront of my mind."

"No one should have to endure even one day of what they have gone through, much less 100," he said.

"We will never stop working to bring Americans home," Biden pledged.

-ABC News' Fritz Farrow

100 days into war, IDF says its 'goals are complex to achieve and will take a long time'

As the Israel-Hamas war reached its 100th day Sunday, the Israel Defense Forces says it's goals "will take a long time" to achieve.

"To achieve real results, we must continue to operate in enemy territory, not to allow extortion attempts for a cease-fire," IDF Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi said in a televised address Saturday.

"We must continue applying pressure and that is exactly what we are doing," he said. "[Our] goals are complex to achieve and will take a long time. To dismantle Hamas, patience is both necessary and essential."

The IDF also said it's now moving to intensify its operations in southern Gaza, where it believes Hamas' leadership is hiding.

-ABC News' Patrick Reevell

US ambassador to Israel addresses rally demanding return of hostages

The U.S. ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, addressed a rally in Tel Aviv on Sunday demanding the immediate return of the hostages still being held by Hamas.

"One day is too many -- 100 days is unfathomable," Lew told the crowd. "My heart aches for all who have been affected by Oct. 7 and I stand in solidarity, as does the United States, with the families of the hostages. I add my voice to theirs to say: Bring them home now."

Tens of thousands of Israelis have rallied over the last 24 hours to demand the return of the hostages on the 100th day of their captivity.

-ABC News’ Patrick Reevell

Man who lost entire family sifts through rubble in Gaza

The main highway connecting south and north Gaza, Salah al-Din Road, which Israeli forces used for a civilian corridor, has become impassable in Deir al Balah in central Gaza.

“When we came here, we were surprised -- Salah al-Din is a main road connecting the north and the south in four directions, 70 meters wide,” Gaza resident Yahya Deeb Al-Laham told ABC News. Now there’s “no infrastructure, no electricity, no roads, buildings and areas are non-existent … there is nothing here, there are no signs of life. Homes for families have completely disappeared and not a single one of them remains.”

The Israelis have recently left the area.

One of the families who followed Israeli military instructions, evacuating from northern Gaza to Deir al Balah, has been completely wiped out.

The surviving family member, Muhammad Fouad Abu Safi, returned to the site to sift through the rubble and try to find what might be left of his family.

“They left me no family member, no sister, no brother, no cousin, no child,” he told ABC News. “There were about 50 people here. Only three children, girls, came out alive … the rest here were taken out as body parts or decomposing bodies.”

“Humanity has ended, mercy has ended,” he said. “Neither from America nor from any country, there is no humanity or mercy.”

-ABC News’ Samy Zayara