How to pronounce the name of Icelandic volcano Öræfajökull

Iceland’s biggest volcano is awakening.

How to pronounce the name of Icelandic volcano Öræfajökull
RUV Icelandic television
ByABC News
December 4, 2017, 6:53 PM

— -- Iceland’s biggest volcano has been in the news recently after it started to show signs of increased activity.

Öræfajökull developed a new half-mile caldera in late November, according to the Iceland Meteorological Office, indicating it could be getting ready to erupt. The volcano is located in the southeastern part of the country and is part of Europe’s largest glacier, Vatnajökull.

Iceland's Öræfajökull volcano maybe getting ready to erupt, according to officials.
RUV Icelandic television

Andrei Menshenin runs Flugblogg, an aviation blog in Reykjavik. He says the name of the volcano consists of two Icelandic words. The first “oraefi,” meaning wasteland, and the second “jokull,” meaning glacier.

In the video above, Menshenin demonstrates how to pronounce this volcano’s difficult name.

Iceland's Öræfajökull volcano maybe getting ready to erupt, according to officials.
RUV Icelandic television

"Öræfajökull, so simple!" Menshenin says.