Scottish students give classroom goldfish that died a Viking-style burial

May Bubbles and Freddy rest in peace.

ByABC News
March 6, 2017, 11:26 AM
Papdale Primary School students mourned the loss of their class goldfish, Bubbles and Freddy, by giving them a Viking-style send off.
Papdale Primary School students mourned the loss of their class goldfish, Bubbles and Freddy, by giving them a Viking-style send off.
Papdale Primary School

— -- Bubbles and Freddy, two goldfish that lived in a classroom in Scotland, received an "epic" send-off by their student caretakers after their little lives came to an end last week.

"The children were initially upset when they heard the fish had died," teacher Corey Eddington told ABC News.

Students at Papdale Primary School in Kirkwall, Scotland, were given the fish at Christmastime.

Eddington thought of a novel way to continue the students' lesson on the Vikings as well as mourn the loss of Bubbles and Freddy. She had the students give the fish a Viking-style send-off to Valhalla, the mythological destination for those who died in combat.

Papdale Primary School students mourned the loss of their class goldfish, Bubbles and Freddy, by giving them a Viking-style send off.
Papdale Primary School

"There has been such a brilliant opportunity for different areas in learning," Eddington said, adding that the students learned about "the history of Vikings, grief, feelings of loss, internet safety and writing."

Eddington continued, "The Viking send-off gave a really positive spin on the experience, and although we will really miss Bubbles and Freddy, what a way to remember them!"

Papdale Primary School students mourned the loss of their class goldfish, Bubbles and Freddy, by giving them a Viking-style send off.
Papdale Primary School

"We worked in teams of two or three to create Viking longships suitable to send to Valhalla. We knew that the Vikings would only have sent the most beautiful ships to be burned for important people in their communities," the class's website reads.

After creating the ships, some students penned eulogies for Bubbles and Freddy to be read before the ceremony.

They then trekked to a nearby river to burn the boats, properly sending Bubbles and Freddy on their way.

Papdale Primary School students mourned the loss of their class goldfish, Bubbles and Freddy, by giving them a Viking-style send off.
Papdale Primary School

The students told ABC News in a statement, "It was sad to see Bubbles and Freddy go. We were so grateful for them, and we are going to miss them. It made us feel a bit better when we saw them leaving for Valhalla, because they will be safe with the Viking gods."

The students added, "It was really exciting when we saw the boat burst into flames. It was pretty epic. We know they died, but we got to see them to go the place that they would have wanted."