Watch Man Break World Record for Most Stairs Climbed on Bicycle

A Polish cyclist climbed over 3,000 steps one by one in a Taiwan tower.

ByABC News
March 22, 2015, 4:41 PM

— -- A stunt cyclist has set a new record for the most stairs climbed one at a time on a bicycle.

Polish cyclist Krystian Herba climbed over 3,139 steps by bicycle in Taiwan's Taipei 101 tower, jumping up each step one at a time, The Telegraph reported. He was greeted at the final step with a crowd of reporters and round of applause.

Hebra, 33, completed the task in just two hours and 13 minutes, according to The Telegraph. He reportedly wanted to beat his own record he set in Melbourne last year, when he climbed 2,919 stairs.

According to The Telegraph, Hebra is a high school physical education teacher.

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