Couple Has Giant Bed Built to Make Room for Their 8 Rescue Dogs
"They love to just be near us," Mariesa Hughes said.
— -- One New York couple has successfully acquired a bed large enough so that they and all eight, yes eight, of their rescue pups can sleep comfortably.
Mariesa and Chris Hughes of Clifton Park, New York -- who run a dog rescue organization -- posted an ad online for a craftsman to build them a super-sized sleeper that could fit the family of 10, which includes their dogs: Mabel, Gremlin, Meatball, Tejas, Money, The Stig, Sam and Quinn.
"I wake up and I think, 'This is incredible. I'm like a contortionist with Stig spooning me and Gremlin between my legs and Sam sharing my pillow,'" Mariesa said, joking to ABC News. "They love it. They love to just be near us. So however we can make that happen, they're happy."

Mariesa and Chris have been married for three years. When the couple met, Mariesa had two dogs and Chris had 6. The couple now runs a rescue for senior dogs called The Mr. Mo Project, named after their late dog Moses who died from cancer 2 years ago.
"[Chris] had a rescue before The Mr. Mo Project called 'Rowdy to the Rescue,'" Mariesa said. "He was fostering Moses at the time then ended up keeping him. Sam had a lot of fear and anxiety and was never adopted out and Meatball has been returned three times. So then, he had the 6 [dogs]."

Since their bed was not big enough for them and their eight pooches, the Hughes' posted their idea for a much larger one on the website Thumbtack, in hopes someone would be willing to take on the project.
Local craftsman Mike Ford of Michael's Custom Interiors replied and built the bed within four weeks, Ford told ABC News.

"I'm a dog lover myself, especially senior dogs," he said. "It broke my heart because I can't imagine all the love and work these people put into their organization. They came up with the idea for the king-sized bed and asked me to come up with the concept to make it all work."
Ford built the dog-friendly bed out of solid cherry wood. It's made with three pop-out drawers on both sides and stairs for the dogs who cannot jump up on the bed.
Ford also engraved paw prints from his late dog Bailey -- named after the character George Bailey from "It's a Wonderful Life."