Dog Named 'Betty White' Reunited With Owners Three Years Later

Anna Welch's dog named after the famous TV icon went missing in 2013.

ByABC News
August 6, 2016, 3:35 PM
A 5-year-old dog named Betty White was reunited with her family in Minnesota after going missing for three years.
A 5-year-old dog named Betty White was reunited with her family in Minnesota after going missing for three years.
Anna Welch

— -- One Minnesota family was reunited with Betty White after she went missing for nearly three years. And no, we're not referring to the iconic actress.

Betty White is the name of Anna Welch's Great Pyrenees, who disappeared from her 13-acre property in Isanti on November 16, 2013.

Welch, 39, told ABC News she was bathing Betty White out in her yard after she had gotten sprayed by a skunk. When Welch went into the house to get supplies, Betty White made her escape.

"I came out and she was gone. Like gone," she recalled.

Welch contacted her local sheriff and animal control, knocked on neighbors' doors, put up signs around the neighborhood and even posted a notice on the Lost Dogs Minnesota Facebook group, but still came up empty. She even created a Facebook page of her own called Help Bring Home Betty White to no avail.

After receiving approximately 20 tips on her beloved 5-year-old dog she had almost given up hope until she received a message from a friend, who told her to check out the Lost Dogs Minnesota page. A man had posted a photo of a white Great Pyrenees that looked just like her Betty White.

The only difference was the dog was 20 pounds skinnier.

"It was a pretty crazy set of events," Welch recalled, adding that the man found Betty White after she had wandered into his barn nearly 20 miles away.

Betty White, a 5-year-old dog from Minnesota, with her 3-year-old puppy named Bandit.
Anna Welch

"When she was found, her tail was matted to her legs. It's really sad to even think about it," Welch said. "It kills me that that happened to her."

Welch eventually reunited with Betty White, bringing her to her new home -- as her family had moved since the ordeal -- in East Bethel.

"As soon as I [saw] her, I knew that was my dog. And Betty knew who I was. She came running over," she recalled. "She rubbed up on me. It was pretty awesome."

Still, Betty White had another sentimental reunion to attend. Before she disappeared she had delivered a litter of puppies. The family kept one puppy, whom they named Bandit, who was now 3 years old.

Now, Betty White is settling into her new home after her long lost journey.

"She’s doing good and she’s finally starting to settle in and calm down," Welch said. "She was a little anxious when we brought her back ... but I'm just still in shock that we have her."