'Eddie the Terrible' Finally Finds a Home
The Chihuahua is adopted after Humane Society is honest about his imperfections
— -- A dog so “terrible” that a California Humane Society chapter posted a blog listing all the reasons a person would want to not adopt him has, in fact, been adopted.
“When I saw his face, that's when I said, ‘Wow, that is a cute dog,’” said Deborah Espinoza, the woman who adopted the dog, Eddie, after seeing the story of his unlikely adoption ad on a local news station.
“We found the perfect dog for our family,” added her husband, Randolph Espinoza.
Eddie’s journey to the Espinoza family got its unlikely start on Dec. 9, when the Humane Society of Silicon Valley posted a blog titled, “ A Full Disclosure Blog: Three Reason You DON’T Want To Adopt Eddie the Terrible.”
The blog listed all the ways Eddie, a Chihuahua they nicknamed “Eddie the Terrible,” is “terrible.”
“While Eddie The Terrible has never actually attacked another dog, he's made it abundantly clear that he hasn't ruled out the possibility,” Humane Society officials wrote.
“We have a bunch of child-lovin' dogs. Eddie the Terrible, however, is not one of them,” the blot post continued.
“In fact if you're looking for a floor-sleeping, speed bump of a dog that minds his own business, strike Eddie clean off your list,” they wrote.
The blog post even included a video of Eddie and his “naughty” antics, titled “Adopting Bad.”
Prior to the Espinozas’ welcoming him into their home, 2-year-old Eddie had been up for adoption for 15 months.
“We do think he’s perfectly imperfect and all he really needed was the right family,” Humane Society of Silicon Valley President Carol Novello told ABC News.