Florida Dad Slams Parents for Publicly Shaming Kids on Social Media
Wayman Gresham created a video calling out parents for public punishment.
— -- Fed up with parents who use social media to chastise their kids, Wayman Gresham, an educator from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, made a video in response to such public humiliation.
"I hope that it's something that will stick and people will remember that hey, you know, there's another way of reaching this child." Gresham told ABC News.
Gresham, a father of four, uploaded the video to his Facebook page May 27, where it has since racked up 19 million views.
Gresham appears in the video with his son where, after first pretending he’s going to shave his son’s head as a form of public punishment, he drops the clippers and hugs him, giving viewers a little lesson in parenting.
"There's no way in the world I would ever embarrass my son like that," Gresham said in the video. "Good parenting is showing them the way by example."