Girl gets one-eyed bunny doll named Sparkle after losing her eye to cancer

“She got a big smile and she refused to move on to another present."

ByABC News
March 30, 2017, 1:18 PM

— -- Little Brynn Munger, 3, was over the moon when she received her matching doll at her birthday party on Saturday.

Her bunny doll, now affectionately named Sparkle, only has one eye -- just like her.

“She was really excited,” Brynn’s mother, Danielle Munger, told ABC News of the special surprise. “She got a big smile and she refused to move on to another present until after we had opened it and gotten it out the box.”

Little Brynn Munger, 3, was surprised for her birthday with a special one-eyed bunny doll to match her.
Facebook/Sebastian Design | Courtesy of Danielle Munger

Brynn lost her left eye to undifferentiated sarcoma, a rare form of cancer, when she was only a year old.

“We noticed her left eyelid was dropping a little bit, so we took her to the pediatrician and he thought it was something called ptosis,’” Danielle, of Kimberly, Idaho, recalled. “We were like, ‘OK, it needs to get addressed but is not life-threatening.’ But a few days later I noticed it was all red around her eye and it started to swell.”

When the family visited the pediatrician again, he immediately sent them to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City.

“They did a CT scan that evening and that’s when they discovered her tumor,” said Danielle. “From there it spiraled. She had three different surgeries before we finally had to take her eye.”

Brynn is now in remission and celebrating happy milestones all the time, but for her birthday this year, Danielle wanted to do something really special. She reached out to doll designer Jessa Sebastion of Sebastian Design with a unique request: a one-eyed bunny doll.

“The whole reason I started making dolls is because I have two girls who don't really look like sisters and I wanted them to have dolls that looked like them,” Sebastian wrote to ABC News. “So when Danielle asked if I could make a doll who looked like her daughter, I just decided I couldn't say no. And she was so sweet and excited about it.”

Little Brynn Munger, 3, was surprised for her birthday with a special one-eyed bunny doll to match her.
Facebook/Sebastian Design

The custom order was a hit with Brynn, whose mom sent photos of her little girl’s excitement to Sebastian to witness how her hard work paid off.

“Getting the pictures from her and also a cute video from her daughter hugging it was quite honestly one of the best things I've ever seen,” said Sebastian, who shared the photos on her Facebook page to much acclaim.

The precious pair are now best friends and Brynn has a “big smile” every time they play together.

“That evening she and I were sitting together reading a book,” said Danielle. “It felt so good to tell her, ‘Yes, she’s special too. This bunny is sick too and she lost her eye, but she’s still special too.’”