North Carolina bridesmaids trade bouquets for rescue puppies in wedding photos

This wedding trend definitely gets two paws up.

ByABC News
April 6, 2017, 11:06 AM

— -- The most paw-dorable new wedding trend is using puppies in lieu of bouquets—and this Charlotte, North Carolina, bride nailed it.

Meghan Butler, an attorney and owner of four adopted animals, had each of her bridesmaids hold a pup from the Greater Charlotte SPCA in her wedding photos with the hopes the pictures would help them find forever homes.

Bridesmaids trade bouquets for rescue puppies in Meghan Butler's North Carolina wedding photos.
Discover Love Studios

And it worked. Every one of the furry friends has since been adopted.

“One of my bridesmaids holding the adult dog in the photo, she’s a foster mom for the Charlotte SPCA,” Butler told ABC News. “She’s the one who facilitated it and really got it all going. They had handlers come out and take care of all the puppies and it worked out so well.”

Bridesmaids trade bouquets for rescue puppies in Meghan Butler's North Carolina wedding photos.
Discover Love Studios

Butler and her husband, Brett, also made a donation to the SPCA instead of giving out party favors to their guests on their big day, March 25.

“We wanted to bring attention to any rescue agency,” the bride said of her inspiration. “There are agencies out there that are rescues for purebred dogs, if you like a particular breed. There are so many dogs that need homes. Go get a dog that needs a loving home. They’re so happy and they’re great animals and I can’t believe anyone would give them up.”

This wedding trend definitely gets two paws up.

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