1-year-old toddler successfully hits the slopes on a snowboard

Cash Rowley isn't afraid of the white stuff.

ByABC News
December 16, 2017, 4:11 PM

— -- One snowboard-loving family was determined to get their daughter up on the slopes by her 1st birthday.

Nick and Whitney Rowley pulled it off, having their daughter, Cash, successfully snowboard on a bunny slope at Bogus Basin in Boise, Idaho last Saturday.

The Boise, Idaho couple, who've been married for nearly three years, are sports enthusiasts.

Whitney Rowley teaching her 1-year-old daughter Cash how to snowboard.

Not to mention, Whitney Rowley is the granddaughter of Wesley Deist, a well known ski coach in Idaho, having coached for 52 years before he passed away in 2008, according to his obituary.

"We are a big snowboard family," Nick Rowley, 32, told ABC News. "We just wanted to get her on a board as soon as possible and get her used to it."

The Rowley's first purchased a snowboard for their daughter when she was only a "couple weeks" old, Nick Rowley said.

"We set it out as a goal to get her out on the snow -- if she was walking by her first birthday," he added. "She started walking when she was 9 months ... so we got really excited and that’s when we started practicing in the house on the carpet."

Nick and Whitney Rowley with their 1-year-old daughter, Cash.

The parents spent time getting their daughter used to being strapped into a snowboard. They then used a retractable cord to drag the snowboard in their house, on the carpet, to simulate what it'd be like on the slopes.

Last Saturday, Cash Rowley officially hit the slopes after the parents got an OK from their pediatrician that it'd be safe.

Whitney Rowley, also 32, said watching her daughter go down the bunny slopes for the first time was "pretty crazy."

"Most moms are really scared, and I was too, but I started skiing when I was 2," the proud mother continued. "It’s always been a big deal for us."

Nick Rowley teaching his 1-year-old daughter Cash how to snowboard.

It was an especially sentimental moment for Whitney Rowley, who said it reminded her of her grandfather.

"Having her on the board, it made me tear up because I was super proud," she added. "My grandpa -- one of the first ski instructors in the state of Idaho -- it just made me think of him."

Cash Rowley's mother added that her daughter "had a good time" on the bunny slopes. She continued, "Cash was making noices, yelling, hooting and hollering."

The couple is now planning a trip to Costa Rica in February. They hope to get their daughter up on a surfboard for the first time then.