Nightline Daily Email: 7/2

ByABC News
July 2, 2001, 12:36 PM

W A S H I N G T O N, July 2 -- I don't remember a story that generated as many emails as the death of Jack Lemmon. Now I wrote last week about how all of us in the news business feel time pressure. We need to do things right away, on the day of an event. Last week, we changed subjects to broadcast our report on the extradition of Slobodan Milosevic. But everyone here wanted to keep working on the broadcast about Jack Lemmon. And judging by all of the emails that came in, it didn't matter to people if we aired our program the day he died, or later.

So our plan is to take a look at the career of Jack Lemmon, and through the words of those who worked with him, at the man. We're interviewing actors and directors who worked with him on various projects. And we'll also devote part of the broadcast to hearing from Jack Lemmon himself, in his own words.

I don't really think a lot more needs to be said on this one. We'll let the movies, and his friends, and his own interviews, speak for themselves. We hope you'll join us.

And another reminder. We got more emails about our broadcast on Eva Cassidy, the singer who found fame after her death, than just about any other program we've done. We're going to rebroadcast Dave Marash's profile of her this Wednesday, July 4th. For those of you who missed it the first time, it's well worth tuning in. For those of you who saw it the first time, this should be enough notice to set your VCR.

And on a more personal note, a number of you asked how my mother reacted to last Friday's email. She loved it.

Leroy Sievers is executive producer for Nightline.